About Us

Kelsyn - Owner | Leathercrafter


Petrichor Leather Co started in 2020 as a desperate attempt to combat quarantine induced insanity.

After 10 years of leathercrafting, I decided to put designs down on paper. I needed somewhere to centralize my catalog so I started a small online shop to help distribute patterns and organize orders for leather goods. This led to new requests for custom commissions, license to sell agreements for local retailers, and requests for DIY kits mailed direct to client's homes.

The little wallet operation I started to replace my old duct tape card-holder grew into something I didn't know I'd enjoy doing so much! With the support of the leathercraft community and local shops, I've been able to put more time into designing more than just wallets.

The catalog continues to grow, new videos released, and new home shipped DIY kits are being put together. Thanks so much for the continued interest and I hope to be contributing to the leathercraft community for years to come!